Fix, Record, Recover

Fix - Position cables accurately.

Record - Log cable positions on our FREE mobile app.

Recover - Save time and money on every job. Fit lights in two visits, safe in the knowledge the cables stay exactly where you left them!

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  • What is it?

    Cableboss is a unique two part system* to help electricians fix, record and easily recover electrical cables in ceilings and walls voids.

    *worlwide patent pending

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  • How does it work?

    Fix Cableboss between joists or studwork. Position the cable in the pre formed holes. Take photos, add notes and record cable location on the free mobile app.

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  • Why do I need it?

    Fit lights in two visits, rather than three, safe in the knowledge the cables stay exactly where you left them! Save time, money and the hassle of remedial works.

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Fix, Record, Recover